The phrase goes "every family is a world". Perhaps a whole world is represented in a family. This is the world of Karina and her children. Santiago and Julian have Autism Spectrum Disorder which affects the neurons in their brain with repercussions in language, behavior and development. There are other languages in their story. Different perceptions caused by stimuli from the outside world, limited interests. Julian likes to run around the house and is fascinated by dinosaurs and sometimes he comes to believe that he is one. Santiago likes to feel the wind in his face. Karina wants to prepare them for the world when she is gone. Together they navigate the challenges of their isolation compounded by the isolation imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

In Argentina 1 out of 37 children is born with autism spectrum disorder. Worldwide, 1 out of 160 people is affected by this disorder. Numbers escalate. 

This project started in 2021 and it is on going.
Julian (6) hugs Karina (46) from behind on the living room where she has her bed. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2020

Julian (6) hugs Karina (46) from behind on the living room where she has her bed. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2020

Santi (7) lays back on the ball where he sits. He finds himself very hard to stay still, he would often use the ball for moving around and having his feet away from the floor. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2020

Santi (7) lays back on the ball where he sits. He finds himself very hard to stay still, he would often use the ball for moving around and having his feet away from the floor. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2020

Julian´s drawing of two dinosaurs. People with ASD have restricted interests. Julian´s interest is mainly on dinosuars.  He used to behave as one until her father was around. Julian´s room. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2020

Julian´s drawing of two dinosaurs. People with ASD have restricted interests. Julian´s interest is mainly on dinosuars. He used to behave as one until her father was around. Julian´s room. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2020

Santi has ASD, he walks on tip toes unless he wear shoes to go outside, which he rarely does and specilally during covid 19. Karina helps him stand straight making put the entire sole of the foot on the floor. Argentina. 2020

Santi has ASD, he walks on tip toes unless he wear shoes to go outside, which he rarely does and specilally during covid 19. Karina helps him stand straight making put the entire sole of the foot on the floor. Argentina. 2020

Karina (46) used to take singing clases before her children were born. It was one of her favorite things in the world. Here is page from her songbook. The song is about the vicisitudes of love. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2020

Karina (46) used to take singing clases before her children were born. It was one of her favorite things in the world. Here is page from her songbook. The song is about the vicisitudes of love. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2020

Santiago (7) takes his face outside the wondow. Karina tell me that he loves feeling the wind in his face. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2020

Santiago (7) takes his face outside the wondow. Karina tell me that he loves feeling the wind in his face. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2020

Julian (6) moves tirelessly around the house. He loves jumping around from couch to couch. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2020

Julian (6) moves tirelessly around the house. He loves jumping around from couch to couch. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2020

Santi (7) tries to block the noise entering his ears from the traffic noise of the city. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2020

Santi (7) tries to block the noise entering his ears from the traffic noise of the city. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2020

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